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Physiotherapy Treatment at Dundee Physio

Physiotherapy treatment includes:
    Electrotherapy Massage Strengthening exercises Stretching exercises Core stability exercises Ultrasound Spinal mobilisation and manipulation
Your injuries, pains and aches are best treated as soon as possible by contacting Dundee Physio at the onset of your problem. Having early treatment can help to return you as quickly to sport, work and your normal activity levels. Most conditions can be treated more effectively the faster and earlier you contact a physiotherapist. Long standing conditions often require more treatments than those diagnosed and treated early.

Is there a waiting list for physiotherapy treatment?
Not usually, generally an appointment can be made available for new patients within 48 hours..

What are your clinic times?
We are open from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, and 8am – 12pm on Saturday.

Do I need a referral to see your physiotherapists?
A referral is not necessary. However if you do have a referral letter p[lease bring it with you so that your physiotherapist can communicate with the referring Doctor or therapist if required.

How long are physiotherapy appointments?
Initial appointments last for 45 mins Follow up appointments are 30 minutes. If you require a longer follow up appointments it is available at an additional cost.

What should I wear for physiotherapy assessement?
Ideally you should wear loose and comfy clothing. With neck problems the physio may require you to remove your top. For back and hip complaints the physio is likely to want to see the part in question so you will probably be asked to remove your trousers and top.

Do I need to bring X-rays or medical notes with me?
If you have them it is a good idea to bring them with you to your appointment.

What can I expect on my first visit to Dundee Physio?
Your physiotherapist will complete a thorough physiotherapy assessment. This will involve the physiotherapist asking you questions about your problem, and then fully assessing the area in question. Your physiotherapist will then provide you with a diagnosis. A physiotherapy treatment plan and prognosis will be discussed, as well as likely duration and frequency of treatment.

You will usually receive some treatment during this first session as well when this is appropriate.

How many treatments will I need?
This depends on many different factors. The physiotherapist wil be able to give you’re a more accurate estimation after your initial assessment. You will be re evaluated on each subsequent visit.

Get in Touch

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Call us on

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